
Photo of Natalie Clarius

I am a master's student, software developer and teacher.

Currently I work as a software engineer for data analysis systems and as a vocational trainer in information technology while completing my degree at University of Tübingen, Germany.

My main interests are in

  • the computational implementation of logical formalisms, in particular at the intersection between the tableau calculus, modal logic and type theory,
  • teaching methodology in mathematics and computer science,
  • automation of routine processes, with a focus on administrative tasks in academia, and
  • workflow improvements in desktop Linux, my specialty being hardware interfaces, window management and global search in the KDE Plasma desktop environment.

I have a passion and 12 semesters of experience in teaching logic, linguistics and programming.

I am available for contract work. If you are interested in my software development or teaching, feel free to get in touch.



02/2025 - present
Software Developer Value AG

Development of software for information and analysis on real estate market data

11/2024 - present
Vocational Teacher ABA Ausbildungs- und Berufsförderungsstätte Albstadt e.V.

Remedial classes for trainee IT specialists in application development or system integration
(“Dozent für Auszubildende im Beruf Fachinformatiker der Fachrichtungen Anwendungsentwicklung und Systemintegration”)

04/2023 – 12/2024
Hardware Integrator KDE e.V.

Software development and coordination in KDE and fd.o focused on better integration of the Plasma desktop environment with vendor partners' hardware products, esp. power management and input device controls

05/2022 – present (periodically)
Software Developer Freelancer

Extension of KDE software to end users' requirements

07/2014 – 09/2022 (periodically)
Research Assistant University of Tübingen - Department of Linguistics, Department of Computer Science, and Department of Philosophy and History of Science

Software development, data acquisition and evaluation, experiment conduction, typesetting, and organizational tasks

10/2015 – 03/2021
Teaching Assistant University of Tübingen - Department of Linguistics and Department of Computer Science; and University of Göttingen - Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science

Lectures and tutorials in the undergraduate and graduate study programs in General Linguistics, Computational Linguistics and Computer Science


2016 – 2018 and 2024 - present
Master's studies University of Tübingen
2013 – 2016
Bachelor's degree University of Tübingen


2023 - present
Association Member KDE e.V.
2022 - present
Software Developer KDE and other FOSS projects
2016 - present
Content Contributor Stack Exchange
2024 - 2024
Technical Trainer Akademy
2017 - 2021
Community Moderator Linguistics Stack Exchange
2011 - 2013
Student Tutor Otto-Hahn-Gymnasium Böblingen

A full resume is available upon request.


Compact courses

10/09/2024 Introduction to Version Control with git
(Workshop at the annual world summit of KDE)
enin English Aopen to any level KDEKDE (software community)
Summer term 2017 Introduction to Logic Programming with Prolog
(Independently taught compact course accompanying the Grammar Formalisms tutorial)
enin English Uundergraduate level SFSUniversity of Tübingen, Department of Linguistics


Winter term 2020 Introduction to General Linguistics (jointly with Isabella Boga)
(Supervised preparation and conduction of a number of class sessions)
enin English Uundergraduate level SFSUniversity of Tübingen, Department of Linguistics
Winter term 2019 Mathematical Methods: Logic (jointly with Prof. Gerhard Jäger)
(Supervised preparation and conduction of a number of class sessions)
enin English Uundergraduate level SFSUniversity of Tübingen, Department of Linguistics


Summer term 2021 Selected Topics in Formal Semantics (jointly with Prof. Dr. Gerhard Jäger)
(Supervised preparation and conduction of a number of class sessions)
enin English Ggraduate level SFSUniversity of Tübingen, Department of Linguistics


Summer term 2020 Gödel's Incompleteness Theorems (Prof. Reinhard Kahle) enin English Ggraduate level FMIUniversity of Göttingen, Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science
Summer term 2020 Introduction to Logic (Dr. Thomas Piecha) dein German Uundergraduate level WSIUniversity of Tübingen, Department of Computer Science
Winter term 2019 Mathematical Methods: Logic (Prof. Gerhard Jäger) enin English Uundergraduate level SFSUniversity of Tübingen, Department of Linguistics
Summer term 2019 Programming and Data Analysis (Prof. Gerhard Jäger) enin English Uundergraduate level SFSUniversity of Tübingen, Department of Linguistics
Summer term 2019 Production and Interpretation of Referring Expressions (Dr. Oliver Bott) enin English Uundergraduate level SFSUniversity of Tübingen, Department of Linguistics
Winter term 2018 Lambda Calculus and Combinatory Logic (Dr. Thomas Piecha) enin English Gundergraduate level WSIUniversity of Tübingen, Department of Computer Science
Winter term 2018 Linear Algebra for Linguistics (Prof. Fritz Hamm) enin English Uundergraduate level SFSUniversity of Tübingen, Department of Linguistics
Winter term 2018 Introduction to General Linguistics (Johannes Wahle & Dr. Oliver Bott) enin English Uundergraduate level SFSUniversity of Tübingen, Department of Linguistics
Summer term 2018 Theoretical Foundations of Logic Programming (Dr. Thomas Piecha) dein German Ggraduate level WSIUniversity of Tübingen, Department of Computer Science
Summer term 2018 Programming and Data Analysis (Dr. Johannes Dellert) enin English Uundergraduate level SFSUniversity of Tübingen, Department of Linguistics
Summer term 2018 Semantics and Pragmatics (Prof. Fritz Hamm) enin English Uundergraduate level SFSUniversity of Tübingen, Department of Linguistics
Winter term 2017 Lambda Calculus and Combinatory Logic (Dr. Thomas Piecha) enin English Ggraduate level WSIUniversity of Tübingen, Department of Computer Science
Winter term 2017 Syntax and Semantics (Prof. Fritz Hamm) enin English Uundergraduate level SFSUniversity of Tübingen, Department of Linguistics
Winter term 2017 Current Trends in Linguistics (Johannes Wahle & Marisa Köllner) enin English Uundergraduate level SFSUniversity of Tübingen, Department of Linguistics
Winter term 2017 Introduction to General Linguistics (Johannes Wahle & Marisa Köllner) enin English Uundergraduate level SFSUniversity of Tübingen, Department of Linguistics
Summer term 2017 Grammar Formalisms for Computational Linguistics (Prof. Kurt Eberle) enin English Uundergraduate level SFSUniversity of Tübingen, Department of Linguistics
Summer term 2017 Semantics and Pragmatics (Prof. Fritz Hamm) enin English Uundergraduate level SFSUniversity of Tübingen, Department of Linguistics
Winter term 2016 Syntax and Semantics (Prof. Fritz Hamm) enin English Uundergraduate level SFSUniversity of Tübingen, Department of Linguistics
Winter term 2016 Current Trends in Linguistics (Prof. Gerhard Jäger) enin English Uundergraduate level SFSUniversity of Tübingen, Department of Linguistics
Winter term 2016 Introduction to General Linguistics (Johannes Wahle & Marisa Köllner) enin English Uundergraduate level SFSUniversity of Tübingen, Department of Linguistics
Summer term 2016 Pragmatics (Dr. Christian Ebert) enin English Uundergraduate level SFSUniversity of Tübingen, Department of Linguistics
Winter term 2015 Semantics (Prof. Wolfgang Sternefeld) enin English Uundergraduate level SFSUniversity of Tübingen, Department of Linguistics
Winter term 2015 Introduction to General Linguistics (Dr. Christian Ebert, Johannes Wahle & Marisa Köllner) enin English Uundergraduate level SFSUniversity of Tübingen, Department of Linguistics


School term 2024 Information Technology: Application Development dein German Vvocational school level ABAAusbildungs- und Berufs-förderungsstätte Albstadt e.V. (vocational training institution)
School term 2012 General Homework Assistance dein German Mmiddle school level OHGOtto-Hahn-Gymnasium Böblingen (middle/high school)
School term 2011 General Homework Assistance dein German Mmiddle school level OHGOtto-Hahn-Gymnasium Böblingen (middle/high school)


07/09/2024  (Akademy, annual world summit of KDE) enin English Ccontributed talk KDEKDE (software community)
18/11/2020  (Carl Friedrich von Weizsäcker Colloquium) enin English Ccontributed talk CFWCUniversity of Tübingen, Carl Friedrich von Weizsäcker Center for Foundational Research


2016 – present Selected articles: enin English SEStack Exchange (Q&A website)
09/08/2019 Why should we care about syntactic proofs?
01/03/2020 What's the point of type theory?
31/03/2019 How to show that a derivation does not exist?
25/08/2019 What's the difference between ⊢ and ⊨?
03/06/2020 And how to prove that they are ⟺?
18/08/2020 What makes a logic strong?
31/03/2023 What's the intuition behind intuitionism?
03/03/2019 Isn't predicate logic = model theory?
27/08/2020 What's the difference between different meanings of "meaning"?


Web Development


forum Languages German, English
pin_drop Address Room 3.2
Carl Friedrich von Weizsäcker Center
University of Tübingen
Doblerstraße 33
72074 Tübingen, Germany
schedule Office Hours By appointment
call Telephone +49-7071-71614
mail E-Mail (academia) natalie.clariusnull@student.uni-tuebingen.de
mail E-Mail (software) natalie_clarius@yahoo.de
public Web
savings Tip jar